Thursday, February 18, 2010

10 Terms of Use for Plagiarism Detection

 This is from a great blog I follow - "The Clever Sheep" by Rodd Lucier

10 Terms of Use for Plagiarism Detection:
"Today at a meeting of department heads, we were asked to consider spending a few thousand dollars to gain access to the most popular plagiarism detection database: Turnitin.

In leveraging tools to teach learners about academic integrity, here are my recommended Terms of Use for Plagiarism Detection:

1] Staff members will commit to teaching lessons on academic integrity. (via @ransomtech)

2] Teachers will overtly model academic integrity by attributing their sources for lessons, assignments, and coursework. (Where do your ideas, text, graphics come from?)

3] Conscientious attempts will be made by teachers to design authentic writing tasks that are resistant to copying. (via @sadone)

4] Students will be provided with opportunities to present their ideas in alternative ways including the use of emerging media tools.

5] It will be the norm for written assessments to be completed in the presence of the teacher.

6] Comprehensive training in the roll-out of digital detection software, will welcome the participation of interested students. (via @rivenhomewood)

7] Plagiarism detection will be used primarily by students as a way to gauge the integrity of their writing before submitting final drafts. (via @GDhuyvetter)

8] It will be the norm for students to use modern writing tools that track the 'history' of a document's development. (E.g., Google Documents)

9] Educators will learn (and teach students) how to use quoted text in a 'Google Search' as a way to validate suspicious strings of text.

10] Users will become familiar with the terms of the service agreement and will carefully consider the ethical consequences of submitting content to an online plagiarism service.

Photo Credit: churl


1 comment:

  1. Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.
